The Ohio Extension Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program is a comprehensive program that is designed to encourage collaboration and innovation among Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) scientists and Ohio State University Extension personnel to better address the pest management needs of the citizens of Ohio.
From the mid 1970's through 2008, the Ohio Extension IPM Program was funded by Smith-Lever 3(d) formula funds. In 2009, these funds became nationally competetive with other state IPM Programs. OSU has successfully competed for USDA NIFA funds in 2009 (for 1 year), 2010 (for 3 years), 2013 (for 1 year), and 2014 (for 3 years).
Our goal is to reduce the environmental, economic and social risk associated with managing pests (insect, disease or weed).
To accomplish this goal we work with OSU collaborators in 5 areas of emphasis to evaluate and disseminate new IPM information. These areas are:
Agronomic Crops (corn, soybeans, wheat)
-Contact Andy Michel for more information
Specialty Crops (fruits, vegetables, urban agriculture)
-Contact Jim Jasinski for more information
Pest Diagnostic Clinic (insect, weed, pathogen identification)
-Contact Joy Pierzynski for more information
Pollinator Health (pollinators)
-Contact Denise Ellsworth for more information
Housing (bed bugs & ticks)
-Contact Ben Philip for more information