
Search results

  1. Media Advisory: CFAES Experts Available to Speak on Avian Flu

    Environmental Sciences and the College of Veterinary Medicine are available to speak with the media about the ... researchers to monitor poultry diseases. OSU Extension and OARDC are the outreach and research arms, ... to cause disease and/or death. Most strains of avian influenza are not highly pathogenic and cause ...

  2. State Wide Community Fundraiser at Bob Evans

    have a paper copy of the flyer to give to the restaurant and you can pick them up at the office. ...

  3. acetochlor + atrazine

    Control Guide for Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois" for more information. Preplant, preemergence, or ...

  4. Arboretum's Birds Not Gone with the Wind: See Them Feb. 12

    Northern visitors such as siskins and redpolls are possible too. Robins and bluebirds, despite the ice and ... Madison Ave., Wooster. Call 330-464-2148 for more information. Secrest Arboretum holds bird walks every ...

  5. Two Graduate Students Recognized by AAIC

    the processing of Taraxacum kok-sahgyz (TK) roots. His areas of research are bio-based products, ...

  6. A. Britt

    219 Hi Jim,    Please reserve RM 219 on Weds, March 2nd from 11:00am-12:30pm.    Thank you!  AB ...

  7. Meat Judging Course

    Do you catch yourself asking the following questions: Why different cuts of meat vary in price? ... selecting meat? Well The College of Agriculture offers a course to help you answer some of these questions. ... MEATSCI 3310 Meat Animal and Evaluation is the class for you. MEATSCI 3310 strives to help students ...

  8. Great Lakes Water Quality Series- "Your World Around You” Water Experiment

    Part One: “Your World Around You” Water Experiment This hands on activity will teach kids about ...

  9. Avian Influenza: What’s it mean for Fairfield County Poultry Growers and Exhibitors?

    not present a food safety risk; poultry and eggs are safe to eat. The Centers for Disease Control ... complex. Ohio’s producers are no longer thinking about “if” this will hit in the state, but “when”.  It’s ... migrate back and forth through our state. For more information about the concerns for avian flu, review ...

  10. FEB Pesticide Recertification & Agriculture Fertilizer Training- Hancock

    us in advance if you need categories 4-Fruits & Vegetables, 5-Nursery & Forest Crops, and/or ...
