
Search results

  1. Swamp's reach growing: Improvements will ramp up programs, impact

    adjacent Olentangy River fills two main experimental wetlands at the site, each of which are about the size ... Ecology' course, two other courses are newly based at the facility during autumn semester, 'Aquatic ...

  2. Ohio Produce Marketing Agreement bill to new Director of Ag

    implementing set standards and passing audits.  This program is considered an option for farms that are exempt ... from FDA standards but are still required by customer demand to be foodsafety-compliant in some form. ...

  3. Local Foods Featured at OSU Wooster Green Fair Click on “Food” and scroll to the bottom.   For more information, call 330-263-3700 or go to the same ...

  4. About the Fresh Produce Safety Initiative

    combinations. Education Increase the number of undergraduate and graduate students who are trained in fresh ...

  5. Extra $1 Million in CFAES Scholarships Awarded for 2016-17

    Sept. 22.  “We are going to take a very hard look at what we can do as a college to create a sustainable ...

  6. 2015 Camp Offerings

    in the above registration form are guaranteed through December 31, 2014 with a $25 early registration ...

  7. Formal Hort. Training in the Works for Volunteers

    the country are not offered through distance education," said Pope. "The training is geared ... basic gardening training to the general public. For more information on either certification program, ...

  8. BioOhio Board Member Announcement

    and Government Affairs, STERIS We are excited to add five of the industry’s brightest minds to our ...

  9. Hugh Walpole's Graduate Defense Seminar

    preserve safety. Our research proposes that resident’s evacuation intentions are the result of a heuristic ...

  10. New Undergraduate Program in Sustainability Surpasses Enrollment Expectations

    What trade-offs are we willing and able to make as individuals and as a society to achieve a more ... sustainable economy? What are the best policies, including the right incentives for individuals, firms, ... communities and nations, to reach these sustainability goals?  These are some of the questions that dozens of ...
