
Search results

  1. Pierluigi Bonello Lab

    being investigated are the chemical ecology of tree/fungal pathogen/insect interactions, with some ... fungal pathogens. Chemical, biochemical, molecular, and anatomical approaches are used to dissect these ... environments. We are investigating the effects of soil type and management regime, fertility, and mycorrhizal ...

  2. Recipes to Try

    cornflakes and melted butter together with a fork until the cornflake crumbs are moist. Sprinkle evenly over ...

  3. Ohio's Invasive Species Seminar Series

    non-native insect pests targeting our trees and shrubs. Some have been here for awhile and some are new ...

  4. NPFDA Scholarship

    The National Poultry & Food Distributors Association awards scholarships to various students of agricultural colleges and universities across the United States. Each selected student will receive a $2000-2500 scholarship from NPFDA. Please visit the w ...

  5. ENRGP Exit Seminar: Collaborative Partnerships and Invasive Species Management

    issues had been done prior to the adoption of collaborative management methods. As invasive species are ... stem the spread of invasive species. In addition, are the decision making processes employed by these ...

  6. For Grape Growers: Ohio State Hosts Conference Nov. 6 in Wooster

    materials. To register, or for more information, contact Dave Scurlock at 330-263-3825 or ...

  7. Winter Clothing Drive

    donations to a local service agency. Collection boxes are in Kottman Hall lobby, and in Parker Food Science ...

  8. Chow Line: Calculating costs of obesity isn't easy (for 2/24/08)

    smoking, saying there are other payoffs to do so. But most experts who commented on the study disputed the ... costs of normal weight adults are 20 to 40 percent lower than obese adults who have health problems ... are overweight or obese has increased from 15 percent in the late1970s to 33 percent today. Losing ...

  9. First Draft Of New House Farm Bill

    article summarizes provisions in FARRM that concern the safety net for U.S. crops: The provisions are in ...

  10. Compost Helps Control Turfgrass Fungus

    April 2, 2002 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Incorporating compost into soils when lawns are seeded reduces the ... continuous warm days with dry conditions. Fungicide applications are currently the most effective means of ...
