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  1. ADVANCEA Project Open House

    (OSU); Ketut Putra (Koidra); Ken Tran (Koidra); and Niels van der Geest (Delphy) Tour the OSU CEARC ...

  2. Internships and Careers

    Ohio State Fair Trans Ova Genetics United Producers Inc. If you have questions about internships ...

  3. List of MCIC staff publications

    10.1016/j.vetmic.2014.08.012. Klein, R.D., Chidawanyika, T., S. Timsa, H.S., Meulia, T., Bouchard, R.A. Virginia B. Pett, V.B. ...

  4. Mission and Vision

    methodology emerge. Provide leadership for collaboration in developing trans-institutional relationships and ...

  5. Extension Publications

    poultry layer houses. Trans. of the ASABE 62(2):415-427. doi: 10.13031/trans.12950 Duan, N., D. Zhang, C. ... Electrolyzed water spray scrubber for removing ammonia from air. Trans. of the ASABE 58(4): 1069-1078. (doi: ... 10.13031/trans.58.10973) @2015 Li, X., C. Lin, Y. Wang, L.Y. Zhao, N. Duan, and X. Wu. 20 Analysis of household energy ...

  6. Landing page

    ENGTECH 2336T Method Pwr Trans LEC 05:20 PM 06:15 PM M 07/13/20 P Engineering Technologies ENGTECH 2336T ... ENGTECH 2336T Method Pwr Trans LAB 06:30 PM 08:35 PM M 07/13/20 P Engineering Technologies ENGTECH 2338T ...