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Chow Line: Study labels to reduce trans fats (3/23/12)
March 23, 2012 I just heard something on the news about trans fats, but I thought they weren’t ... 2006, when companies had to start explicitly listing trans fats on Nutrition Facts labels, they’ve ... pulled something of a vanishing act. The new regulation was coupled with a trans fat awareness campaign. ...
Chow Line: Limit trans fats, boost heart health (Nov. 2, 2012)
November 2, 2012 What has been the effect from the ban on trans fats in New York City restaurants? ... slashed the amount of trans fat that their patrons consume. First, some background: Both saturated fat and ... trans fat increase blood cholesterol levels. High cholesterol increases the risk of heart disease, so ...
Chow Line: Warning: 'Zeroes' on labels can add up (for 9/14/08)
September 5, 2008 At what point is the amount of cholesterol and trans fat required to be listed ... contain some. You're right-- many foods have small amounts of cholesterol, trans fat or other ... a sitting, or if you often eat several different foods that aren't truly cholesterol- or trans fat-free, ...
thifensulfuron (Harmony etc)
thifensulfuron 2 several- Harmony SG, Harass Treaty several No Harmony 50DF- 0.12 oz/A; ...
Chow Line: Eat for a healthy heart (for 2/14/10)
and trans fat, and less cholesterol. Choose foods with less sodium, which can increase blood ... nutrient. There is no Daily Value for trans fats, so just take a look at the total amount of trans fat on ...
Chow Line: Cut overall fats, then boost healthful ones (for 7/8/07)
opposed to saturated and trans fats, which we should reduce or avoid as much as we can). But you are ... fat, and 75 percent said they were trying to decrease their consumption of trans fat. So, it seems like ... polyunsaturated fats in place of items that are high in saturated and trans fats. To get more healthful fats in ...
Chow Line: Sensible choices good for heart health (for 2/18/07)
dairy such as butter, whole milk and full-fat cheese, but limit portions and frequency. Reduce trans ... trans fat if it contains less than a half-gram per serving. If the food has "shortening" or ... "partially hydrogenated fat" in the ingredients listing, it likely has some trans fat. The AHA, along ...
Chow Line: Eat right to lower blood cholesterol (for 9/19/10)
poultry with skin. Trans fats also deserve attention. According to a 2006 study in the New England Journal ... calories from trans fat a day. Trans fat gives the body a double-whammy because not only does it increase ...
New Soybean Varieties Released
linolenic acid content, which aids in food preservation. High linolenic levels also produce trans fatty ... acids when oil is hydrogenated. Scientists and nutritionists speculate trans fatty acid is one of the ... labeling requirements on products to include trans fatty acid content in foods. "Using this soybean ...
Chow Line: Sugar intake can affect triglycerides (for 10/9/11)
added sugar intake. That surprised me-- I know that saturated fat and trans fat can affect blood ... and high consumption of saturated fat or trans fats. But added sugars definitely play a role, too. The ...