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  1. ADVANCEA Project Open House

    (OSU); Ketut Putra (Koidra); Ken Tran (Koidra); and Niels van der Geest (Delphy) Tour the OSU CEARC ...

  2. List of MCIC staff publications

    10.1016/j.vetmic.2014.08.012. Klein, R.D., Chidawanyika, T., S. Timsa, H.S., Meulia, T., Bouchard, R.A. Virginia B. Pett, V.B. ...

  3. Extension Publications

    poultry layer houses. Trans. of the ASABE 62(2):415-427. doi: 10.13031/trans.12950 Duan, N., D. Zhang, C. ... Electrolyzed water spray scrubber for removing ammonia from air. Trans. of the ASABE 58(4): 1069-1078. (doi: ... 10.13031/trans.58.10973) @2015 Li, X., C. Lin, Y. Wang, L.Y. Zhao, N. Duan, and X. Wu. 20 Analysis of household energy ...

  4. thifensulfuron (Harmony etc)

    thifensulfuron 2 several- Harmony SG, Harass Treaty several No Harmony 50DF- 0.12 oz/A; ...

  5. Landing page

    ENGTECH 2336T Method Pwr Trans LEC 05:20 PM 06:15 PM M 07/13/20 P Engineering Technologies ENGTECH 2336T ... ENGTECH 2336T Method Pwr Trans LAB 06:30 PM 08:35 PM M 07/13/20 P Engineering Technologies ENGTECH 2338T ...

  6. Agronomy

    PESTICIDE AND FERTILIZER RECERTIFICATION Visit  for detailed information on obtaining or recertifying your pesticide and fertilizer licenses. We will be hosting a recertification class in Auglaize County on March 10, 2022. For mor ...

  7. CD Wire- January 14, 2014

    anticipated outcome of this event is the formation of a new trans-disciplinary  CAPS Scientific Team. The ...

  8. CD Weekly Wire- January 13, 2014

    formation of a new trans-disciplinary CAPS Scientific Team. The topic of this workshop is primarily aligned ...