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  1. Estimating Manure Phosphorus Excretion by Dairy Cows

    P per cow for Group 2 = 63.6- 18.5- 3.9 = 41.2 g (0.091 lb). The entire group is excreting 3.2 lb/day of ... P (0.091 x 35 cows). For the whole lactating herd (135 cows), manure P excretion = 10.9 + 3.2 = 14.1 ...

  2. Heat Detection in Dairy Cattle- Part II

    energy lactation 2.94 2.96 Rumen degradable protein 0.12 0.12 Rumen undegradable protein 0.78 0.68 ...

  3. The Environmental Impact of rbST

    4 and N 2 O; lb/year) 1,252,156,000 Herbicides (lb/year) 192,012 Insecticides (lb/year) 40,122 Fossil ...

  4. Farm Labor for 2014 Versus 2015: Field Versus Livestock Workers

    gross sales on a farm in the US for 2015, the hourly wage increased by about $0.12/hr. For about every ...

  5. MarketView...US. Dairy Outlook Brief 2010

    The current USDA estimate puts the national herd at 9,091,000 head. This may be only a pause in the ...

  6. Controlling Feed Cost: What to do when the protein market goes ballistic?

    very expensive ($0.12/lb), a net result of the high soybean meal price combined with most of the ...   Digestible RUP $0.202 ** Non-effective NDF (ne-NDF) $-0.012 * e-NDF $0.052 **- A blank means that the ...

  7. Fast Changing Feed Markets Bring Opportunities

    (representing an approximate increase of $0.12 to $0.15/cow/day in nutrient costs), 4) No change in the cost for ...

  8. Dairy Policy and Market Watch,

    1.7334 2.3380 0.0557 0.6740 13.3779 0.40 13.78 2005 Quarter IV 1.6540 2.3775 0.0508 0.6732 13.1904 0.91 ...

  9. Forage Planting Decisions: Corn Silage or Alfalfa?

    Average High Low Average High Acres needed/cow 0.81 0.61 0.49 1.20 0.91 0.72 Forage cost, $/cow 328 299 ...

  10. Cost of Nutrients and Benchmarks of Profitability for Ohio Dairy Farms

    cost of feeding for a milk yield of 75 lb/day has gone up by $0.12/cow per day since May and is ...
