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  1. Chow Line: Healthful, balanced diet best for bones (for 11/23/08)

    consumption of saturated fat, trans fat, sugar and other empty calories. If you do all that, you ...

  2. Harmful Algal Blooms Impacting Landowner Ponds and Small Lakes

    :// Ohio isn't the only state experiencing problems with ...

  3. Chow Line: Study: Children eat too much junk (for 12/19/10)

    or solid fats (primarily saturated fat and trans fat) and added sugars. Of course, empty calories can ...

  4. Chow Line: High-fructose corn syrup just like sugar (for 12/28/08)

    grains and lean protein; choose healthful fats over saturated and trans fats; keep your calorie intake in ...

  5. Chow Line: Corn or flour tortilla? Choose best of either (for 11/2/08)

    labels for saturated fat, trans fat, sodium and calorie content. Again, you'll find wide ...

  6. Save on Fuel Costs with Natural-Air Grain Drying

    today's costs of propane ($1.40/gallon) and electricity ($0.12/kwh), overall energy costs for ...

  7. Classes with a Taste of Science Tempt Buckeye Students

    scientists had to reformulate foods without preservatives. Then organics came around. Trans fat was a big ...
