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  1. Thomas Blaine, PhD

      /   YouTube video OSU Extension Annual Conference Presentation (12/04/2013):  Publish Your Work in ...

  2. Improving colorimetric properties and stability of acylated anthocyanins through UV irradiation

    trans-configuration, with cis-configuration rarely found. The trans- and cis-isomers have different colorimetric ... properties and stability. Trans-isomers can isomerize to cis under UV irradiation in methanol. Our goal was ... the UV-induced transcis conversion process. Cis- and trans-isolates were extracted from American ...

  3. Effect of Radiant Energy on Anthocyanin Color Expression and Stability

    Pigment isomerization was monitored over time by uHPLC-PDA-MS/MS. Cis- and trans-isomers of the pigments ... with minimal pigment degradation with D65 lamp at 9.5 hours. In pH 4, trans-acylated delphinidin ... intensity than the trans-isomer. In pH 7, the two isomers exhibited different hues. Thus, controlled light ...

  4. Oleocolloid Matrices Designed for Food Systems

    for replacing saturated and trans fats, oleogels (structured vegetable oils in the presence of ... study highlights potential applications of OCs particularly for high protein and saturated and trans fat ...

  5. Controlled Drainage/Drainage Water Management (NRCS 554)

    phosphorus loads by 0.4 lb/acre (Williams et al., 2015). Considerations A minimum of 20 feet of nonperforated ...

  6. Safety of shell eggs as affected by rate of heating during pasteurization to inactivate Salmonella Enteritidis

    ±0.4CFU/ml from slow heating rate and 0.4±0.6log CFU, fast heating rate. Our research suggests that fast ...

  7. Dissertation/Thesis Write-In Event (Columbus)

    Campus Write-Ins December Wednesday, 12/04, Location TBA, 9:00am-12:00pm ...

  8. Soil Test P value between 50 PPM and 120 PPM (or "Moderate" P Loss Risk Assessment)

    Edge-of-field testing has shown Dissolved Reactive Phosphorus (DRP) concentrations of 0.02 to 0.4 PPM and 0.1 to ...

  9. Dissertation/Thesis Write-In Event (Columbus)

    Campus Write-Ins November Friday, 11/22 in 139 Howlett Hall, 9:00am-12:00pm December Wednesday, 12/04 ...

  10. Dissertation/Thesis Write-In Event (Columbus)

    Howlett Hall, 9:00am-12:00pm December Wednesday, 12/04, Location TBA, 9:00am-12:00pm   ...
