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traps 04 241

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  1. High Oleic Soybean

    improving frying quality and shelf stability while reducing trans fat (Warner and Gupta, 2005). Plenish® ...

  2. News tips and events for the week of Jan. 22

    Produce Auction, 8076 OH 241, Mt. Hope, Ohio. Covers GAPs that reduce the risk of on-farm produce ...

  3. News Tips and Events for the Week of Dec. 17

    (GAPs) Training, 12:30-3:30 p.m., Mt. Hope Farmers Produce Auction, 8076 OH 241, Mt. Hope, Ohio. This ...

  4. News tips and events for the week of Jan. 28

    Hope Farmers Produce Auction, 8076 OH 241, Mt. Hope, Ohio. Covers GAPs that reduce the risk of on-farm ...

  5. OARDC Adds Greener, Bi-fuel Vehicles to Its Fleet

    (2:04): Michael Pallotta of Pallotta Ford Lincoln in Wooster, Ohio, and Dave Benfield of OARDC talk about ...

  6. News tips and events for the week of Feb. 4

    OH 241, Mt. Hope, Ohio. Covers GAPs that reduce the risk of on-farm produce contamination. Available ...

  7. News tips and events for the week of Jan. 14

    Hope Farmers Produce Auction, 8076 OH 241, Mt. Hope, Ohio. Covers GAPs that reduce the risk of on-farm ...

  8. News tips and events for the week of Jan. 7

    Hope Farmers Produce Auction, 8076 OH 241, Mt. Hope, Ohio. Covers GAPs that reduce the risk of on-farm ...

  9. Classes with a Taste of Science Tempt Buckeye Students

    scientists had to reformulate foods without preservatives. Then organics came around. Trans fat was a big ...

  10. High Input Production

    doi:10.2135/cropsci2009.04.0185 Ham, G.E., V.B. Cardwell, and H.W. Johnson. 1971. Evaluation of Rhizobium japonicum inoculants in ...
